Painter Esra TURK

Reflection separates the subject from the object world and gives him freedom as a "thinking being". The artist sheds light on the reflection problem between Kant's philosophy and Freud, which is the basis of the philosophy of reflection. Philosophy of reflection “How do our thoughts about the world around us relate to this world itself?” In answer to the question, the logical structure of the relation between thinking and being definitely replaces the logical structure of the mirrored.

The unconscious makes the essential distinction between the mirror and the reflected. As a psychological term, consciousness refers to observing ourselves and our environment to become aware of perceptions, moments and thoughts, and to control ourselves and our environment so that we can initiate and terminate behavioral and cognitive activities. It is possible for consciousness to see itself as a self-consciousness by the reflection of reality on itself. The conscious has to project the unconscious onto itself. In art, on the other hand, the philosophy of reflection appears in the field where the quality of art is questioned. In his work, the artist will deal with the philosophy of reflection from within modernism and will emphasize the tenebism between the real light and the dark.

The Unconscious Between Darkness and Light

The image, which is deeply followed in the field of art, is actually a phenomenon that people use unconsciously in their vital activities. When the image is considered as an imitation or analogy, it is seen that the main thing is its reflection. Reflection separates the subject from the object world and gives him freedom as a "thinking being". In order to be a thinking being, the basic thing that separates you from others, your self, must come into play. The "I" as the subject will have to think about the "I" as the object.

The artist started his view of art by facing the mirror and continued by examining the conversations and thoughts of the individual in his inner world. His works shed light on Freud's reflection problem, which is the basis of the philosophy of reflection. ‘’

The logical structure of the relationship between thinking and being replaces the logical structure of the mirror-reflected, with the answer given to the question "How does the individual relate to himself in his own world?" Through figurativism and surrealism, he sees the viewer that painting is only an imitation of reality.

Detailed Information


My emotions are so strong at times that I work without even realizing it. Coal blows sound like talking.


The artist interprets his works as the opposite of reality and painting. All obtained data are expressed in an artistic language.